VARO Renewable Diesel®

Renewable Diesel

VARO Renewable Diesel® (HVO100) is a fuel made entirely from renewable materials that cuts CO2 emissions by up to 90% and can be used in existing diesel engines.

Decarbonise your fleet – today

VARO Renewable Diesel offers an easy-to-implement low-carbon alternative to conventional diesel, particularly for road transport and inland shipping. It provides a way to decarbonise existing fleets without compromising performance.

As VARO Renewable Diesel is produced from 100% renewable, bio-based raw materials,[1] it reduces CO2 emissions by 80% to 90%[2]. The fuel can be used directly in standard diesel engines[3] or can be easily blended with conventional diesel.

To accelerate the transition to a low-carbon future, VARO Renewable Diesel offers a viable solution for existing diesel engines across diverse applications, including Logistics, Food Retail and Inland Shipping.

VARO Renewable Diesel

Excellent engine performance

VARO Renewable Diesel ensures smooth engine operation and driving comfort without compromising on performance. The fuel is almost entirely odorless, enables quick cold starts compared to regular diesel, and allows long-term storage without a loss of quality.

REINPLUS FIWADO Bunker - Scheurplus

Key benefits of VARO Renewable Diesel®:

  • Drop-in fuel: With best-in-class specifications, compatible with diesel engines without modification (meets DIN EN 15940), whether in pure form or blended with conventional diesel

  • CO2 reduction: Guaranteed reduction in CO2 emissions between 80% and 90%

  • Sustainability impact: Certified in accordance with ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) and the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED)

  • Commercial options: Tailored to your decarbonisation strategy with full transparency on sustainability performance

  • Excellent performance: Ensures smooth engine operation, high comfort, and long-term fuel storage without quality loss

Which commercial option best suits your needs?

We offer comprehensive commercial options that extend beyond the supply of VARO Renewable Diesel to include climate impact documentation, climate compensation for remaining emissions and various distribution solutions tailored to your specific requirements.

CO2 reduction

  • Supply of VARO Renewable Diesel
  • CO2 impact demonstrated through a Bio Delivery Statement

CO2 reduction + additionality

  • Supply of VARO Renewable Diesel
  • CO2 impact demonstrated through a Bio Delivery Statement
  • An Additionality Statement confirming CO2 impact beyond blending mandates

CO2 reduction + additionality + CDRs

  • Supply of VARO Renewable Diesel
  • CO2 impact demonstrated through a Bio Delivery Statement
  • An Additionality Statement confirming CO2 impact beyond blending mandates
  • Remaining emissions compensated by using Carbon Dioxide Removals (CDRs) from certified nature-based carbon capture projects

Key figures

up to90%

CO2 emissions reduction


Renewable raw materials


Compatible with diesel engines



Traceability for peace of mind

VARO Renewable Diesel is traced and certified by ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) in accordance with the sustainability and greenhouse gas savings criteria of the EU Renewable Energy Directive (RED). VARO’s customers receive a “bio delivery statement” that documents the feedstock origin and emission reductions.



VARO Renewable Diesel® availability

With local sales offices for both road sector and inland shipping and terminals strategically located across Europe, we ensure a reliable and consistent supply of VARO Renewable Diesel to meet your operational needs.

Our state-of-the-art terminals are equipped with advanced technology and adhere to stringent product specifications that guarantee high-quality fuel availability at all times.

View our network

An integrated portfolio of energy solutions to meet customers’ needs

Engine 1

Conventional Energies

Ensuring the energy security for today.

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Engine 2

Sustainable Energies

Accelerating the energy transition for tomorrow.

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Want to know more about VARO Renewable Diesel®?

Contact us to find out more about how you can decarbonise your fleet with VARO Renewable Diesel.


[1] Produced from waste and residues (such as used cooking oils and animal fats).

[2] Covering emissions from feedstocks and raw materials to production, processing, distribution and use.

[3] Compliant with the EN15940 standard. Check with vehicle manufacturers for fleet compatibility.